Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Showing my Phone! (Finally)

I know that I have had my phone for a while now, but have been procrastinating on getting this video done. I was going to do it at home, but my camera is with my sister and she is never home, but here it is!

I'm pretty sure this will be the last post for the blog for Digital Media. I hope everyone still is in contact and will continue to do some type of thing like this online!

After Effects Project (Video)

Alright, So I've been working and trying to figure out how to use the program "Adobe After Effects" for a little while now using spare time here and there....
After Effects is a professional program used for visual effects and editing. It is used within movie companies to do very, VERY nice effects which I am not able to do yet. :(

I slowly came up with this and I think it is alright. It's a little "intro video" which you can put in to whatever. What do you guys think?
(I know it is short, but it's kind of difficult to do!)

Soon I would be able to figure out how to do things like this....!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Interview with SKB!

I recently was able to ask a well known YouTube tech reviewer that goes by the name of SoldierKnowsBest some questions. It took a while for him to respond back to my e-mail but it seemed like it was a one on one conversation with him while reading the replies. 

Here is what was asked and answered...

Me: Hi Mark, I am a Senior in High School currently in a Digital Media class that has us going and asking "experts" questions that relate to our topic, and I was wondering about your job and/or hobby as a Tech Reviewer and would like to ask you a couple of questions. 

Q: How did you get started on where you got to today?
A: I started my, what you call "job," about three and a half years ago making videos on YouTube reviewing Apple products such as the iPhone and the iMacs and Mac Books. I seriously did not think I would make it where I am now doing the things that a geek like me loves to do.  I guess we all are considered to be one these days since everyone loves their technology and are always upgrading! I was chosen to participate as a YouTube Partner shortly after I started up, and I now release videos and reviews on tablets, video games, and accessories. I am quite satisfied with my position with YT!

Q: How can you afford all the new products to talk about?
A: Mostly from my pocket. (Haha) But I do get free products often from the actual company themselves for me to review and give good word about. I'm sure it's obvious that I serve in the military which I do get a good sum of income to live off of. But other than that, I do give away a lot of the products that I receive back to my audience to keep them cheerful.

Q:What do you think of how fast we are progressing in technology?
A: I honestly do not approve of everyone spending so much money in making and upgrading their products so often. I know that people want new things, and the companies would make themselves look good and become large by always upgrading and giving consumers what they want. That is why Apple is so big today. They revolutionized MP3 players and made them to be more personal and easy to use which everyone loved. Android is almost a base in many phone OS's out there which is hard to beat, but there are the small ones that are trying and joining the scene such as Windows and Droid.
But if they did not continue to develop new ideas, I would not be where I am now. So I would have to say that I love it. 

Q: What do you recommend to a person like me to start a hobby like yours?
A: I would have to say just to focus on school right now and get a good paying job to actually buy the products that are releasing and learn the ropes on what is better than what so you aren't hoarded by fan boys with facts and opinions. It would be hard to actually compete with all the others that are in the same field as a newbie, but if you are constantly getting all the new toys to play with and giving good word about it, you can grow big in no time.

That was all of the questions that I asked Mark, because I realized that I only sent him 4 questions in the e-mail after I send it and did not want to send another. This guy is really good at what he does, and I recommend watching some of the reviews on his products!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Microsoft Helping Xbox Live Hacker "Develop His Talents"

About month ago, Xbox Live users were alerted to a phishing scam through a popular game called Modern Warfare 2. It seemed like that a lot of people could have been behind this act, but it all came out to be just one person.
This one person was a 14 year-old Irish kid. That is pretty incredible that a kid that young would be able to cause so much trouble over online gaming.
Instead of punishing the kid, Microsoft decided to to work with him to further develop his skills for future legitimate reasons. That's pretty cool for Microsoft to go and do such a thing, but if you think about it, they are just using the kid so they can develop their security and prevent things like this from happening in the future.

Good job kid!

People Confusing Oprah for a Web Browser.

Lots of people have been contacting Opera, the web browser, e-mails about "her show" and asking for things. The thing that they do not know is that they are not emailing Oprah Winfrey. It's Opera that they are e-mailing which is funny.
I read through some of the emails that Opera has put up on one of their websites about people emailing them and asking for things, and they are actually pretty funny.

I don't get how you wouldn't notice that you found an email for Opera (I'm pretty sure from the Opera web browsers website) and think it is Oprah Winfrey that you are e-mailing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Android/ Windows Phone Interface!

Well anyways, the first time I tried to post this, I had a lot written up on it, but as I clicked "Publish Post," and it said there was an error and to click back and try again. So I clicked back and everything got deleted and now I have to write some stuff all over again. I'm just going to give you a summary.

This phone being released in Japanand is running on a newer version of Gingerbread OS from Android. The Japanese manufactures made the interface look like Windows Phone 7's interface which are a bunch of "Live" tiles that update information constantly and tells you about your phone calls, text messages, e-mail, etc.

This is a very simplistic design and I like it a lot on my Windows Phone, but they made it look pretty sweet on this Android phone.

This phone and OS is being released only in Japan and should be on the newer lines of phones being released there which sucks for the Android users here that would like a change of interface on their phones!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

This Watch is the Start Of Something....

Finally! Someone finally found a better use for watches. The Meta Watch is the watch that informs you of the important things that your phone does, but on your wrist so you can quickly check it.
E-mails, text messages, phone calls, weather, all the things you would usually check your phone for is on your wrist.
The watch actually connects with your phone via Bluetooth, and sends a feed of information from your phone to your watch so you can just check everything with just a glance of the wrist.

You can actually read text messages, see tweets, and other things, but you'd have to take your phone out to respond back to all of these things.
Maybe in the next couple of years, these watches will develop to be capable of running apps and other things that phones and tablets can which would make these watches a want for everyone.

These watches actually are not avalible yet, but when they are, I'm pretty sure there are going to be a ton sold.

For everyone that doesn't like to wear watches, this might be the tool that would change your mind to wanting to wear one!