Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Can't Get iPad's Because of Asians Overseas! (lol)

We already knew that people in Asia were paying others to stand in line for them to get Apple products here in the US and sending them out there but we didn't know it was this bad. More than half the people standing in line waiting for the new iPad 2's were being paid to buy an iPad and giving them to a guy that was nearby in a BMW. He rounded up the iPads and sent them over to Asia in places like Hong Kong where they sold for about twice more than they would here. That's a pretty good profit if you ask me!


  1. dang! thats crazy. did they catch him or what?

  2. It's not anything bad. Not breaking the law or anything. They all did it for the profit.

  3. Wow i've heard of this going on with a bunch of things but twice the worth then it is here? That is crazzy! I should join this business with my fellow asians ;]
