Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Make Some Extra Cash From Gigwalk!

Here's a chance to earn some money from an app by just giving information about roads and other public things. Companies like Motorola an dTomTom are having people work on the streets (haha) to get information on roads to use on the information that people recieve on their GPS's. This job can net you about $3-$90 per task depending on how high your "street cred" is. Your street cred pretty much gets raised from the quality of work and information you send in to Gigwalk. The more tasks that you get done, the more you end up getting paid. Gigwalk earners have mad more than $2000 ($400 on average) doing more than 270 tasks in the month of March. What a good side job! I wouldn't mind earning some money by just travelling around and giving out information about what I see.

This app is currently only availible on iPhone users which sucks for others!


  1. it will be on the Android market soon, then ill take up this side job and increase my revenue and market value exponentially.

  2. This is super great, im gonna make some extra dough!
